On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 4:13 AM, Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com> wrote:
> Transmodel was created as a general model for public transport that
> worked for all modes for all purposes and allowed companies and
> authorities to mix and match products from different countries. The
> lead country for Transmodel was France and now all tenders in Europe
> for this sort of stuff will use Transmodel terminology and all CEN
> standards will also use it. Transmodel is also used as a standard
> informally in many other countries when specifying systems because it
> is there and it works.

Can you point us to a good list of operators that use Transmodel?

It would certainly help all of us if there were a widely-used
representation, but much to my chagrin I have yet to see a single
publicly-available data set offered in TransXChange format.  From what
I've seen in my time at Google, many European operators are still
representing their data in a mishmash of forms that depends largely on
which country they're in and who provides their operational software.

Of course, that doesn't make all the thought and debate that's gone
into Transmodel any less valuable when considering how to represent
things in OSM.  It's great that folks like you and Roger are lending
your experience to this discussion.


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