I am forwarding comments from Nick Knowles on the proposals emerging from the workshop at his request.

His comments do confirm that there is a high degree of conformance with the CEN standard already which is encouraging.

He does make some suggestions for greater conformance because this could both help both unlock official data and indeed encourage the professional community to engage with OSM in order to collect some of this data!

I hope to be in a position to forward links to a couple of large attachments that he sent with the original email in due course.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Nick Knowles <nick_know...@kizoom.com>
Date: 28 May 2009 20:50:24 BST
To: Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>, "Roger Slevin (DfT)" <d...@slevin.plus.com >
Cc: Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>
Subject: RE: An emerging tagging proposal for public transport within OSM from Germany

Hi Peter

Thanks very much for forwarding this - interesting to see the network tagging they are using given that the NeTEX work is underway.

I would strongly encourage the OSM groups to try and align the Stop tagging model with the CEN IFOPT model of Stop Places, which is the CEN technical standard model based on analysis of stop models from a number of different European countries. If they do this it should be much easier top relate stop tags to public transport information systems like departure boards and journey planners. The German VDV organisation has participated fully in IFOPT and would be a good point of contact for Geofabrik and others

I have attached the IFOPT specification and a short presentation on the stop place model, also a Jpg of the basic IFOPT model.

I did a very quick comparison just out of interest

1. IFOPT  Oxomoa equivalences

It looks to me that the oxomoa model is actually already close to the IFOPT model in that they both correctly separate the representation of stops into two levels - the actual physical access point and the stop group/station, and contain the same concepts.

If one compares the two one can see the correspondance, and also that IFOPT makes a couple of further distinctions that facility relating the elements to public transport information services.

1.1 Oxomoa: Stop Area <--> Ifopt: STOP PLACE : (i.e. a collection of closely related Stop Positions/QUAYs that have a common name such as a Station , pair of bus stops, or airport)

1.2 Oxomoa: Access (public_transport =platform) <--> Ifopt:QUAY (i.e. the actual labelled physical point of access to the transport, which will typically be a pole for a bus , a platform for trains/ metro, a quay for a boat, or a gate for an airport. A QUAY may have one or more BOARDING POSITIONs.

1.3 Oxomoa: Access (public_transport =Entrance) <--> Ifopt:STOP PLACE ENTRANCE (i.e. an entrance to a QUAY, STOP PLACE, or ACCESS AREA)

1.4 Oxomoa: Stop Position (public_transport =stopposition) <--> Ifopt:BOARDING POSITION - A physical point on a QUAY - may be labelled subdivision of a Quay/Platform.

1.5 Oxomoa: Stop Area Group = Ifopt: a STOP PLACE that has children, (Because big interchanges such as train stations and airports may have many levels, rather than being limited to just one level of grouping , IFOPT allows a nested STOP PLACE . For example St Pancreas, St Pancreas International, St Pancreas International departures, St Pancreas Domestic, St Pancreas underground, etc )

2. Differences

2.1 IFOPT also has an ACCESS SPACE - i.e. a concourse, hall or corridor that is part of a STOP PLACE such as a station, but that is not a named platform/ QUAY i.e. point of access to the transport

2.2 IFOPT uses a separate entity & relationships for concept of QUAY, and ENTRANCE, rather than lumping these together.

2.3 IFOPT STOP PLACEs and QUAYs are also recursive.

2.4 IFOPT LEVEL allows the logical level - e.g. first floor, underground level 1, level 2 etc to be indicated.

Question: In IFOPT the fundamental entity is QUAY - one always has one of these for each stop - it may be part of a STOP PLACE and be accompanied by one or more BOARDING POSITIONs. The Quay has a Label i.e. stop name etc assigned by the Public Transport Operator or Authority. One would not have a BOARDING POSITION without a Quay. It looks as if Oxomoa, just for buses but not for rail, conflating QUAY with BOARDING POSITION - how would one handle bus stops with multiple boarding positions ?

- Nick

Nick Knowles, CTO Kizoom
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