On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>wrote:

> > The current situation with bus stops is more messy. (Just see
> > Birmigham which seems to entirely consist of bus stops.) While
> > stop places in the new schema allow to clean this up a bit, again,
> > the renderer only has the choice to either paint two many
> > symbols (all access points or all stopping points) or badly
> > guess where to put the single point.
> Which rendering view are you using? for the main Mapnik view on
> openstreetmap there are no bus stops until one zooms in to zoom 17 at
> which point there are certainly lots of bus stops (accesses).

It's good to see that we're not the only ones with this problem, though.
Google Maps seems to render a huge number of bus stops now that they've
imported public transit data for the uk. See

That view contains two bus stations (by Piccadilly Gardens and the coach
station by Chorlton Street), and yet both a rendered simply as a mass of
access points, rather than a singular named node (which would be more

So if we can solve this problem, we'll be one up on Google! :-)


P.S It's good to see that platforms are now rendering on Mapnik (see
however I note that it's not coping well with platforms that are areas (as
closed ways with area=yes).  Having blue arrows on the tramlines that are
marked with oneway=yes is also a little odd.

Frankie Roberto
Experience Designer, Rattle
0114 2706977

Sent from Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
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