On 24 Jun 2009, at 15:11, Frankie Roberto wrote:

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Richard Mann <richard.mann.westoxf...@googlemail.com > wrote:

Do relations solve the problem at all? If a track is part of a route relation, then could a renderer use that as a means of aggregating the tracks together?

My hunch is that relations probably don't actually help much, unless you could rely on them being done consistently and accurately.


One idea another OSMer suggested a while back (when the idea of tagging tracks still sounded ridiculous) is to have some way of distinguishing between a 'track' and a railway line (or 'corridor' is perhaps a better word), so that renderers can choose which to display (and so that the data contains both conceptually different things).

Not sure how best to implement this. The easiest thing would be to have the middle track double up as the way which represents the line, somehow. The hardest thing might be to have ways which mark both edges of the rail corridor (like how we do riverbanks).

I would suggest that renderers should taker advantage of the fact that as one zooms out then the different tracks are so close together that it doesn't really matter in most cases which one it draws and it can normally choose one at random to draw. As a refinement the relation could identify the preferred track using a 'role' to say 'draw this one' for situations where the geometry is very different for the various ways.

Similarly Junction relations would soak up all the fiddly tracks at junctions and replace them with one point (and the junction relation includes an optional 'hint' location to show where it should go).

The selected track is then drawn from the starting junction (using the location of the junction node rather than the first point on the track) to the end junction taking via points from the selected way.

This section of track from Finsbury Park through Harringay, Hornsey to the junction past Aexandra Park might be a good test route to try any of our proposals. Here is an image showing an overlay for the proposed simplified rendering where there is only a single stroke drawn to cover all of the individual tracks.




Frankie Roberto
Experience Designer, Rattle
0114 2706977

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