2009/9/23 Shaun McDonald <sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk>

> Yesterday I was out checking a few bus stops in East Lothian (cycling from
> Musselburgh out along the coast to North Berwick). Pretty much all of them
> had no information other than a flag which said that buses stop here and
> that you are in East Lothian. There was one that had a timetable where there
> were 4 buses per day to the regional hospital in Edinburgh. Most of the bus
> stops did have a space for a timetable but there was nothing in there about
> it. Is this normal for more rural stops?

I'm not sure about rural stops, but most of the bus stops in Manchester are
exactly like this - it's appalling.

London seems to be one of the few places where there has been a real effort
made to make buses easier to use - I miss the spider maps...


Frankie Roberto
Experience Designer, Rattle
0114 2706977
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