On 24 Sep 2009, at 10:46, Frankie Roberto wrote:

2009/9/23 Shaun McDonald <sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk>

Yesterday I was out checking a few bus stops in East Lothian (cycling from Musselburgh out along the coast to North Berwick). Pretty much all of them had no information other than a flag which said that buses stop here and that you are in East Lothian. There was one that had a timetable where there were 4 buses per day to the regional hospital in Edinburgh. Most of the bus stops did have a space for a timetable but there was nothing in there about it. Is this normal for more rural stops?

I'm not sure about rural stops, but most of the bus stops in Manchester are exactly like this - it's appalling.

London seems to be one of the few places where there has been a real effort made to make buses easier to use - I miss the spider maps...

You'll be pleased to hear that Edinburgh has timetables on every bus stop and has had for many years now. Lothian Buses make sure that all their stops, even the ones outside Edinburgh, have the departure times and an idea of the routes from the stop.

I think First and other bus companies in Edinburgh are forced to, but then even the same route outside of Edinburgh (and the surrounding close towns), will not have any details at all.


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