Hi everybody again:

This time I'd like to propose a smaller change, but this one may break
compatibility with oxomoa - it has been, however, already commonly

* map bus stops to their physical location, not a point on the route/street
Present status: If I understand correctly, oxomoa suggests that the bus stop
data (name, unique number, etc.) be entered as properties of a point on the

Problems :
* Lines often have stops that are quite far apart for each direction
* This prohibits proper routing (GPS + walking),
* this system is not very intuitive I find.

*Proposed change: bus stops to be mapped exactly to where they are, and to
be added to relations *

* better routing results e.g. one wants to find a correct way to the bus
stop, and not to the average point somewhere between two stops of the same
name in either direction.
* more intuitive system -> easier "learning curve" for new users.

Influence on possible future software solutions: minor. May require all the
stops on the route to be ordered based on their geographical location, as
opposed to their place on the route (the latter is easier).

Comments: I have seen this system very often implemented - two bus stops on
each side, so my suggestion is just to codify the situation for future

Hope this is not too much at once, for more is to follow.


Best regards, mit freundlichen Grüssen, meilleurs sentiments, Pozdrowienia,

Michał Borsuk
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