Am 11.01.11 15:00, schrieb Michał Borsuk:

I have opened line 24 that I seem to remember
(, and there are two
for each direction, seemingly following the same path.

Line 24 has only one relation for each direction.

* What has been achieved by *three *relations that could have not been
achieved by roles? How faster and easier is managing two/three relations
than managing a role on the route?

This role thing is much more complicated than different relations.
Does forward mean the direction of the bus line, or that of the way element in OSM? *That* is what confuses new users.

Furthermore. The Platforms are different for the two directions.
If you take this node:
you see that busses to Weststraße, Kelmis Bruch and Uniklinik are stopping here. if you want the other direction, you have to change the platform. With one relation for every service, you dont get that information.

André Joost

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