Sorry for flooding this list.

On 14.01.2011 13:30, Michał Borsuk wrote:
What's wrong with multiple, non-nested relations? - I'm not saying we
need a route master.
1. weak point in case of rerouting: a beginner may move only one route;
more work

How often does a PT route get rerouted compared to shops shutting down and popping up?

2. lack of the option to duplicate a route in the entry-level software

Until this gets fixed, mappers will spend twice the time. That is bad, but a software that is considered entry-level needs not support the more complicated standards. Compare Notepad and MS Word.

3. lack of the need in the majority of cases (other cases: roles should
be enough*)

See my other posts.

4. incompatibility with present mapping standards, I mean printed maps
-> two routes per line may seem strange to beginners

If you're talking about printed map standards - they aren't really comparable to OSM and its richness of detail.


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