Am 22.01.2011 09:32, Dominik Mahrer (Teddy):
I try to seperate the criticism from the spam around my proposal:

- stop_area is not needed/too complicated:
According to taginfo there are already 64'500 stop area relations in the OSM database (10'500 public transport/oxomoa, 1'500 stop place, 51'500 unified stoparea). For me this is a reasonable number and we can't say it is only a minority of eccentric mappers. It is a widely used tagging schema, badly with several flavors. And it does not seam to be too complicated, otherwise it would not be that much.
Just one comment to this point: What you can't justify by statistics is the ten thousand of cases were users deliberately decided *not* to use a stop_area relation but simply created public_transport=stop_position and public_transport=platform nodes with the same name next to each other. So just like your comment for the route_master...

- route_master is not needed:
If all the information is tagged at the variants/directions it is not really needed, this is correct. I thought it is clearly described in the proposal that you can skip the route_master if you think it is not needed. should add to your proposal that you can leave away the stop_area relation for simply stop positions.

Otherwise I'm okay with your summary and the proposal.


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