On 05/02/2011 07:20 PM, Dominik Mahrer (Teddy) wrote:
Hi Peter

On 05/02/2011 06:23 PM, Peter Miller wrote:

Thanks, but that doesn't answer how one avoids getting two station names
rendered, one from the node positioned at exactly where one wants it and
which can be used in route relations and another from the centre of the

The idea of the proposal is that only the name of the stop_area-relation gets rendered (if there is a relation). At the moment no renderer supports this.

technically, this up to the renderer. Using Mapnik + PostgreSQL, one way to do it is to define a query as your datasource, which filters out stops within a stop area (using ST_DWithin and maybe additionally comparing the name) and use the position of the node to render the name for those.

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