čet, 2. srp 2015. 16:32 Roger Slevin <ro...@slevin.plus.com> je napisao:

I think you are falling into the trap of trying to cover too many things in
one relationship.  A stoparea to me as a public transport person is
(defined functionally) a cluster of stoppoints at which it is possible to
interchange between services – and as such it is also a collection of stops
for which a single stop name can be shared (in the UK we then have a
separate “indicator” to allow you to make the naming of each stoppoint
unique within the stoparea.

 IMHO there is no sense in using a stop_area_group relation (You probably
meant stop_area_group instead of stop_area) to show where you can
interchange between services. That is already obvious if they are near each
other, isn't it? Any two stops that are within ~100m from each other can be
seen as an stop_area_group. You don't have to make a relation to tell you
I see no reason to group objects in stop_area_groups, unless maybe if there
is a name or ref that only makes sense to give to a collection of stops,
and they all have different names. But if you are talking about a station,
we have the tag public_transport=station.

Janko Mihelić
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