
Whilst tidying up UK railway stations so buildings were tagged as 'train_station', I've come across some points which I don't understand. Could someone help clarify?

 * Is station=subway used to indicate a station that's part of a
   specific network or if it's physically subterranean? There are
   currently many tagged as such which are in the open air:
   http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/zjc. The wiki doesn't help much: "subway
   is used to describe a subway station".

 * Why is railway=halt a main tag instead of 'railway=station,
   station=halt'. To me a halt is a subtype of station, similar to

 * Stop Area relations - What are they for? What benefit is there in
   having what appears to be quite random items (bike parking, cafes
   etc) in a relation
   I thought creating relations as a 'collection of things' was
   discouraged. This one even includes telephones!

 * Is there only one naptan:AtcoCode per station & should be added to
   the item with the 'railway=station' tag or are there individual ones
   for each stop point? The wiki, again, isn't clear.

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