So if we connect a bus_stop to a highway with a path would that address the
routing concerns?  Or is that idea too simple?

Thanks John

On Tue, May 7, 2019, 3:53 PM Jarek Piórkowski, <> wrote:

> Sorry, crossed my wires while editing at one point:
> > 9a. Because we must retain hw=bus_stop per #3 and #5, any
> > accommodation of these cases must either be initially of tags, or
> > guidance on how to place highway=bus_stop tags
> make that:
> 9a. Because we must retain hw=bus_stop per #3 and #5, any
> accommodation of these cases must either be new tags, or guidance on
> how to place highway=bus_stop tags
> And just to be clear:
> > 11b. stop_area is currently mentioned but not recommended in the wiki [2]
> make that:
> 11b. stop_area is currently mentioned, but not specified as required,
> in the wiki [2]
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