I have been holding off to respond to this. Almost a decade ago I started
asking for public_transport=platform combined with bus=yes to be rendered,
so it would become possible to drop highway=bus_stop.

After all those years it has become obvious that there is no willingness to
do so. So it makes sense to drop the public_transport tagging scheme
instead as it clearly failed to deliver on its promise to streamline
mapping of public transport.

As far as I am concerned a few things are important:

* 1 single object to represent a bus stop.
* This object should clearly show on which side of the way the stop is
* My preference is to have this mapped on a single node, which keeps
representing the stop for its 'lifetime'.
* There is no problem to use highway=bus_stop for such a node.

So far, so good.

In Belgium, the cities of Antwerp and Ghent and all the villages along the
coast have trams which are operated by the same operator as the buses. This
means that it can happen that the pole next to where the passengers wait
serves for both buses and trams. The operator assigned a single reference
number to these, so for me it's obvious that such tram stops go on those
same nodes and by extension so do all the other tram stops.
Apparently though tram and other rail infrastructure does have nodes, but
those nodes seem to be mapped as nodes on the railway itself and that's
where things start to clash. Not really a big deal, unless you meet a
mapper who insists those nodes should be on the railway ways...

By analogy I would also have nodes next to the railway for subway and maybe
even for train, but I never actually got around to mapping train
infrastructure, the 70000 bus and tram stops were enough to keep me busy.


On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 1:19 PM Dave F via Talk-transit <
talk-transit@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

> On 08/05/2019 20:56, Tijmen Stam wrote:
> >
> > I never understood the whole railway=platform discussion.
> > IHMO hw=bus_stop, hw=platform and rw=platform should die, and all be
> > replaced by public_transport=platform
> You fail to say why.
> > I have updated entire public transport concessions with almost all
> > stops having a platform way or area. In places where I did make
> > something _new_, I didn't include highway=bus_stop and deleted the old
> > one,
> Please clarify what you mean by the "old one"
> > under the "don't tag for the renderer" idea, and everything works fine
> > on my preferred renderer (osmand)
> That isn't the only rendering
> DaveF
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