This is a good point, but what if OpenRailwayMap were able to pull from OpenHistoricalMap to generate a complete picture of the network? I say 'picture' because it wouldn't be connected for routing purposes, but it should appear connected on a map tile. I have no idea how much additional work that would be for OpenRailwayMap to show.

On 5/18/2019 11:40 AM, Tim Saunders wrote:
I suspect I am a lone voice but I don't agree.� The thing that differentiates railways from a lot of historical features is they form a network, some if which is still an operating railway and a lot of which is still visible in the ground.� Having the extant sections in one database and the razed/dismantled sections in another is just making it unnecessarily complex to form a picture of the entire network, which for the sake of a few additional ways on OSM (which I agree would not generally be rendered) can be easily solved.


Tim Saunders

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