On 28/04/2020 08:45, Robin Däneke wrote:
Hello everybody,

I have lately been thinking about somehow reworking (or giving a new push to) 
the current p_t:v2 scheme.
Especially for the fact, that, since it was first proposed and accepted, not a 
lot has changed in which tags are rendered, how certain things are hence mapped 
and the Wiki-Pages on the topic have also changed in the last years without any 
visible going through another proposal process.

When I started mapping in 2011, and first read the german and then the english 
p:t:v2 wiki pages, it was:
- highway=bus_stop is a legacy tag that should eventually be completely phased 

It is a current, valid tag that's more detailed, clear, precise & more popular than PTv2 equivalent.

- stop positions and platforms are to be both mapped

Platforms should only be mapped if there's a clear, raised section of pavement for boarding a bus/tram. In OSM we map the physical world.

and some other things I already forgot…
Now, iD has a rule in its verifyer, that requires highway=bus_stop on platform 
nodes. The point of the public_transport tags is, among other points, to 
replace less dedicated highway tags.

highway=bus_stop is far more "dedicated" than public_transport=platform which require further tags to clarify.

I think it would be time for a p_t:v2.5 proposal,

Oh dear.
PTv2 was sold as a complete schema, fully formed with no requirements for amendments, yet there are these frequent proposals to tweak.

PTv2 adds nothing but extra tags & confusion. It runs in parallel to a schema which has worked well since the OSMs inception. Time to drop it completely.


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