On Sat, 18 Jul 2020 at 13:17, Daniel Capilla <dcapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When we started mapping the bus routes in Málaga, Alan Grant and I came
> to the conclusion that it was not necessary to add "stop_area" relations
> due to the type of bus stops in Málaga, [2] where there are no actual
> stop areas (only a stop position in the own road and a pole on the
> sidewalk usually).
> Is that solution correct? Should we add "stop_area" relations at every
> bus stop position? I would have to create a lot of additional relations,
> only with the stop position and the platform features. I am not sure if
> that would be reasonable/useful for any purpose. What do you think?
> [2]
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES_talk:Rutas_de_bus_en_M%C3%A1laga#Uso_de_la_relaci.C3.B3n_.22stop_area.22
> (in Spanish)

stop_area does not seem necessary for support in many popular OSM
transit data consumers (OsmAnd and öpnvkarte/openbusmap come to mind).
You probably don't have to add them unless something is really unclear
without it. In particular it doesn't seem very necessary for simple
cases like 2 stops on either side of the road. (It won't hurt, but
it's not necessary.)

Reading through (autotranslated) wiki discussion, it does make some
sense that stop_area is more useful in areas where a number of
physical halt points share one ref ID. If that's not the case for you,
probably don't need to bother.


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