
Aly, Ln, Sec, Rd is the convention[1], the wiki[2] should be updated.
(wiki is down for now)

BTW, we don't have good convention for key:addr[3] with english[4]. It
seems like not much people use it at this moment.

[1] http://taginfo.osm.kcwu.csie.org/keys/name:en#values
[3] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr
[4] http://taginfo.osm.kcwu.csie.org/keys/addr:street:en

2016-03-07 12:56 GMT+08:00 Dennis Raylin Chen <b92612...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Pierre
> I notice the thing you mention when I rearrange the name tag, for separating
> Chinese and English name of a street.
> The Post Office way of translation is the same as the street label I saw
> around Taipei
> I'm not quite sure the situation in another place in Taiwan.
> I agree with you for the first Aly, Ln then the road or street name approach
> Denis, Supaplex on OSM
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Pierre Equoy <pierre.eq...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 大家好!
>> 我不太會寫中文所以我會用英文。如果不清楚的話請跟我說!
>> I live in Taipei and I regularly make small edits to OSM, often to add
>> new shops or improve existing information about a node.
>> I noticed a lot of inconsistencies in the way road names are
>> translated in English.
>> The wiki [1] itself seems to be contradictory. It gives the example of
>>     長榮路三段
>> being translated as
>>     Changrong Rd. Sec. 3
>> and then points to a Taiwan Post Office web page [2] for reference.
>> However, if you look for this example in the Taiwan Post Office web
>> page, their translation is
>>     Sec. 3, Changrong Rd.
>> Moreover, the wiki is not very helpful when it comes to longer
>> addresses such as 「信義路2段55巷7弄」. How should this be translated?
>> I would follow the Post Office recommendations and write it this way in
>> English:
>>     Aly. 7, Ln. 55, Sec. 2, Xinyi Rd.
>> What do you think?
>> If you agree please let me know, we could modify the wiki page to
>> include more information and I could start to provide better
>> translations to OSM!
>> 謝謝大家!
>> [1]
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Taiwan#Translation_.28.E4.B8.AD.E6.96.87.E5.9C.B0.E5.9D.80.E8.8B.B1.E8.AD.AF.29
>> [2] http://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/Postal/index.jsp?ID=207
>> --
>> Pierre
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