On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 8:25 AM, John Callahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  I am also very interested in getting the NHD data into OSM.  We have a few
> people here with plenty of experience working with USGS data, especially
> NHD, and I'll try to get their reactions.  I am new to tagging and OSM in
> general but would like to get involved, particularly with roads and hydro. A
> few quick questions:
> 1) I would like to load our states (Delaware) NHD data using one of Ian's
> converters.  Ian, does it make sense for us to start now and let you know
> which HUCs we've loaded, or should we wait until your data gets in?

I would prefer to wait until we figure out the tagging scheme before we
start a mass import. On the main OSM discussion list they are also talking
about a "code of conduct" for mass import/changes to the database, so we
might want to wait a little to see what comes out of that.

> 2) Can features have more tags that what is on the Wiki,
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Key:waterway?  For example, can we
> leave the FCODE or FTYPE attributes in there?  or add a reach code?   or use
> landuse=water even though it's not in the official key-value list?

Yes, in my tests I've been running, I keep all of the shapefile geometry
attributes in the OSM export (including length_km, fcode, reachcode, etc.).
Essentially, all we need to do is look at the FCODE and apply OSM-specific
tags so that it makes sense in OSM-world.

> 3) How would we tag the HUC boundaries, which are essentially watersheds?
> There are multiple levels of HUC groupings (4, 6, 8, 10, 12-digit HUCs),
> depending on what scale you're at.  These would be areas, possibly using the
> natural or landuse or boundary keys?

I'm not entirely sure that we should import the HUC boundaries. They are
easily accessible as shapefiles and don't really mean anything to the OSM
folks. This is definitely up for debate and I'm by no means going to spend
much time complaining if someone did import the boundaries.

> 4) I've used the online editor (Potlatch?) for simple editing and creating
> new features.  I got JOSM up and running, which I believe I need to use for
> editing large number of features.  What is the procedure if I need to
> replace features, for example, if there exists in OSM a river, lake (or road
> for that matter) where I have a more accurately digitized version of?   It
> seems like I should be able to update/add tags in my own dataset then
> publish to OSM.  Do I delete the existing version first?  or maybe give it
> the same feature ID as in OSM and the replacement is done on the back end?

In previous imports that have the potential to clobber previous OSM data, we
tend to err on the side of the previous data (unless of course you created
that previous data and are ok with getting rid of it) simply because it's
someone's hard work. Perhaps they actually walked around with a sub-cm GPS
and mapped the border of a river, for example. Also, I know that there are
several people that have already imported pieces of their local HUCs, so we
might want to make sure they are aware of the nationwide import.
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