On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Matt Maxon <o...@mattmaxon.com> wrote:

> Ian Dees wrote:
>> that we can send back to the GNIS board, who has the option of putting it
>> back into their data set.
>> 3. If there are already OSM features in your area for a certain node that
>> I imported, feel free to delete my node, but please merge at least the
>> gnis:feature_id tag from the GNIS data so that we can keep track of future
>> name changes.
> I'm thinking how would GNIS board know if a deleted point wasn't just
> excluded for some reason and not deleted because it wasn't there anymore.
> Is there some way to tag these so they will eventually be removed

My plan was to take the planet dump from yesterday and the diffs from the
rest of the week to find the node ids for all of the nodes I imported, then
see which ones were deleted and modified.

If anyone else has a better way to do this, let me know.
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