Ngày 3/12/09 8:47 AM, Ian Dees vie^'t:
On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Ted Mielczarek < <>> wrote:

    Yeah, I deleted quite a few POIs for things that no longer exist.
    Sorry if I sounded mad in my message. :) I still question the
    value of this data given my (brief, informal) survey of what it
    brought to my local area. I think I may have also deleted a few
    nodes where I had already mapped the feature. I can go back and
    transfer the GNIS tags to the existing feature if you think that
    would be helpful.

It would be helpful to have the GNIS feature_id on existing data if it's talking about the same thing.

There are lots of nodes where the name has "(historic)" or similar at the end, which means that the feature no longer exists but is recorded for historical purposes. I thought I had deleted those from the data before import, but it looks like most of them got imported. I was planning on searching for those IDs and deleting them when I scrape through the planet dump next week.
How about tagging their names as old_name? I don't think any renderer currently supports that key, but it could be useful in the future.

Minh Nguyen<>
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