On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Chris Lawrence <lordsu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also included is my script that merges duplicated nodes in the
> shapefile, which are common along shared boundaries.  It's not quite
> as good a solution as using line-based borders, but I couldn't wrap my
> brain around an easy way to program an automated conversion from
> polygons to lines in any sensible way.  This one requires the Python
> lxml library (on Debian/Ubuntu, apt-get install python-lxml).  Thus
> far the filenames are hardcoded, which I may fix later.

Chris, I'm not sure about what you feel your expertise in Java is, but I've
been looking for some open time to implement the de-deduplification of nodes
in my Java version of shp-to-osm. Think you could submit a patch and/or talk
me through the algorithm?
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