Paul Fox wrote:
> is there a way to distinguish pavement type separately from
> road classification?  is there a standard tag for doing so?
> in new england (and i assume in other parts of the country)
> it's not uncommon to have unpaved state numbered routes.  or
> unpaved residential areas. 
> i turned to the wiki, but i find i need some interpretive help.  the
> third sentence at:
> is unparseable.  but even if i assume that the first three words
> should be dropped, i'm left with:
>     "Unpaved roads, dirt track roads, forest development roads,
>     jeep trails, and roads not passable by all vehicles merit
>     highway=track instead."
> which seems like far too big a bucket for the roads i'm thinking
> of.  in my mind there's a big difference between "unpaved" and "track".
> and finally, if i _did_ want to use "highway=track", shouldn't
> potlatch give that option in the dropdown menu?

You want the surface key.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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