ted wrote:
 > Paul Fox wrote:
 > > 
 > > does the "standard" renderer at o-s-m.org do rendering
 > > based on the surface?
 > No, neither Mapnik nor Osmarender draw surface=unpaved differently. I
 > assume the same goes for the more detailed values (gravel, dirt, ...).
 > For example, part of East 600 South here is tagged as surface=unpaved,
 > but it looks the same:
 > http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=40.35607&lon=-111.7348&zoom=17&layers=B000FTF

how unfortunate.  i ride with a bunch of motorcyclists that
aren't averse to dirt roads, but who like to know where they are --
20, or even 50, miles of dirt in a day is one thing, but 150 is
another.  nice to know for planning, but you can't avoid dirt in
new england if you want to do any exploring at all.  and while as
a group i think we have a large body of knowledge about what's
dirt and what's not in new england, no one person knows it all,
of course.

i have a message all prepared for that mailing list, extolling
the grandeurs of OSM mapping, and how they should all start
recording their knowledge in OSM.  but if the renderers don't
show it, there's not much point in asking them to help add the

 paul fox, p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 55.8 degrees)

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