Philip Shipley wrote:

> For the last couple of months I have been working by way along each of
> the Interstates (starting at H1) and am currently 2/3rds up the I5,
> checking the one-ways, putting in/fixing all the bridges and tunnels and
> checking the junctions etc based upon Yahoo imagery and the TIGER data.
> Before 0.6 I was making great progress, but since the upgrade things
> have really slowed down.  It is now taking me a good 30 seconds, often
> more, just to split a way - each bridge takes at least 2 mins to define
> - there are a lot of bridges and complex junctions!!!

You don't mention which direction you're going.  Watch out in northern
Oregon, as I've already added relations to some of I-5 and I-84, and I
think the entire length of I-205.  You might want to see if those are
suitable for re-purposing.

> Reading other lists I see that this is a know issue with Potlatch and
> large relations, with no immediate solution available.
> My idea is to temporarily delete the relations from the highway I am
> working on, and then add it back on when the changes are complete.
> Bearing in mind that sometimes it might take a few weeks to complete -
> I'm really looking forward to I-10 at 2.4k miles!!!!
> Any thoughts, objections, better ideas......please don't say JOSM......

JOSM or Merkaator(sp?) are probably the best tools for the job.  JOSM
now has modeless Potlach style editing (and has for a couple months
now), so you might want to give it another go.  It also does a lot of
other useful things like highlight bogus relations, unclosed ways, and a
lot of other things that Potlatch doesn't do, that potlatch makes
difficult to do, or that potlatch visually obfuscates.

You also don't have to stop editing just because the server crapped out
on you (assuming you already have data), or wait around after every edit
for it to save (you just bulk upload your changes when you're done).

JOSM also has a relations editor that will make you wonder why you
waited so long to give JOSM another go.

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