At 2009-07-16 18:41, you wrote:
>I propose to run a script that downgrades every motorway_link to the
>highest road type to which it is connected.


>Preliminary analysis shows that there would be roughly 28k changes
>across the whole US. I have prepared a full list of all proposed
>changes, arranged by state and county, here:

In San Bernardino County, CA, all but two of these were cases where the 
motorway_link was a ramp that had not been connected to the motorway (which 
I fixed). I'd encourage others to review and connect the ramps in their 
area of interest that are not connected, and for the bulk change to be run 
after that.

Alternatively, maybe a script could be written to automatically link these 
unconnected roadways if their unconnected endpoint falls within a small 
distance (feet) of a motorway and then re-evaluate what is left.

Alan Mintz <>

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