checked the new version and it does a much better job. found one  
exception where things get worse but 99% correct fixes will be a great  
improvement. and in this case there is no simple rule to filter it  
requires checks in the form Russ suggested. But these are to  
aggressive for an automatic change.
if there are no other objections I vote for the change.


On 17 Jul 2009, at 6:46 , Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Hi,
> Alan Mintz wrote:
>> In San Bernardino County, CA, all but two of these were cases where  
>> the
>> motorway_link was a ramp that had not been connected to the  
>> motorway (which
>> I fixed).
> That's a valid concern (also voiced by Apollinaris Schoell) and I had
> not thought about that.
> I have now changed the script to identify "dangling" motorway_links,  
> and
> leave them untouched even if they are connected to a lesser road on  
> the
> other end. I don't actually check whether there is a motorway in the
> vicinity, that would be too much magic. This will cause the script to
> ignore things like:
> (I'm loathe to try to automatically weld motorway_links to  
> motorways, I
> think this is at least beyond the scope of this particular fix and
> something that is likely to cause trouble.)
> This brings down the number of proposed changes from 28k to 26k. The  
> new
> list is at the same place:
> - note that it is still based on the same data as the last one so any
> changes you have made in the mean time are not reflected in the list,
> but the automatic change will make sure not to overwrite your edits.
> Of the previous suggestions for San Bernadino, CA:
> 35105571 → service; 7079506 → residential; 7123988 →  
> primary_link;
> 7137908 → secondary_link; 7139773 → primary_link; 7145681 →  
> residential;
> 7149216 → primary_link; 7151635 → secondary_link
> only these now remain:
> 7123988 → primary_link; 7139773 → primary_link
> which I assume matches your result. I would also kindly ask  
> Apollinaris
> Schoell to check whether any problems remain.
> (Apollinaris asked in another e-mail whether those dangling links, as
> they have to be fixed manually, could be made available in a list with
> JOSM remote control plugin links. As the inventor of the remote  
> control
> plugin I really can't say no to that so here's that list:
> - but be
> advised that this is a one-time effort and the list will not magically
> update itself after you have gone wild fixing the bugs, so if you  
> click
> on one of the edit links and see that everything is fine then someone
> else has fixed it already. Apologies for not being able to provide a
> ticketing system where you can mark the stuff that's done but I guess
> that'll have to wait for the grand unified OSM bug tracker.)
> If I go ahead with the automatic change, and I happily leave that
> decision to the mailing list, am I correct to assume that I should  
> leave
> the "tiger:reviewed=no" tag in, because I'm not actually reviewing  
> anything?
> Bye
> Frederik
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