Paul Johnson <> writes:

> On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 07:30 -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> It depends on what the road is like.  If it's a decent dirt road that
>> normal cars routinely drive on, has a street name, is considered a
>> public or private way by the town, then it's highway=residential
>> surface=unpaved.
>> If when driving on it in a car you wince and wish you had a 4WD truck,
>> it doesn't a name, and it isn't recognized as a 'real road', it might be
>> highway=track.
> How are you coming to that conclusion, anyway?  Also, show me an unpaved
> residential street in the western US that you didn't wish you had a 4WD
> for, and I'll show you a street that really is paved, but hasn't been
> swept or had rain wash the dirt off all summer.

There are streets in my town (Stow, MA) that are definitely not paved
that I have driven on with a Saturn SC2 and not had a problem.

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