I recently returned from a trip to Maui and Big Island in Hawaii in which I
collected a large quantity of GPS tracklogs.  I was hoping to use this data
to tune up the existing maps for Hawaii.
However, as nearly as I can tell, very little work seems to have been done
on Maui beyond the initial Tiger upload.   The problem is, this Tiger data
seems to have some large systematic errors, a translation to the
north-northwest.  I started to manually correct a few ways based on the
satellite photos and GPS tracks, but I realized it would probably be far
better to either reimport the Maui data with a correction, or apply some
automated process to the existing data to translate it to more-or-less the
correct location.

Does anyone know what needs to be done to accomplish this?


Scott Atwood

Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia.  ~H.G. Wells
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