On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 10:40 -0700, Scott Atwood wrote:
> The GPS tracklog I uploaded includes data from Wailuku in central
> Maui, all along the Hana Highway as far as Waianapana State Park near
> Hana.  In all the locations I spot checked (including the ones
> mentioned above), there appears to be a consistent displacement of
> approximately 500 meters to the north-northwest of all ways associated
> with streets.  The shoreline ways appear to be more or less accurate.

It was pretty easy using JOSM to fix the first example.  The second one
appears a little less clear cut to me.

My best suggestion at this point would be to give JOSM a try.  It lets
you grab much more interesting sets of data and move them around as a
group.  I'm a bit hesitant to go moving large swaths of data around in
an automated way.  First, I don't have any good tools to do it and it'll
take some time to code them up.  Also, I'm unsure about exactly how
widespread and precise the 500m offset is.

Does anybody know of any better tools that might help with this?

-- Dave

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