On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Stellan Lagerstrom
<lagerst...@blindsight.com> wrote:
> Since the roads are so concentrated along the coast, it seems fairly
> simple to load a few hundred ways at a time into an editor to shift them.
> Not more than a few hours work, surely.
> Lanai seems to suffer from the same error, so I experimented. Selecting
> only those with tiger:reviewed=no, there are just 330 ways.
> Using the street grid in Lanai City as a guide, I dragged them into
> position. The result is not perfect, but no worse than is normal for
> Tiger data...

My strong suspicion is that this widespread displacement has to do
with the pre-2008 TIGER data for Hawaii being in a different datum
than NAD83, which is what was used for CONUS.  I'm not sure there's
much that can be done except a reimport (preferably from 2008 TIGER,
which is NAD83) to ensure better positional accuracy...

The same issue may also affect the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and
American Samoa which were also non-NAD83 before 2008.


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