On 13 Nov 2009, at 23:56 , Dan Homerick wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Apollinaris Schoell <ascho...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
> I'm highly in favor of doing the import, regardless. I think the  
> inaccuracies will be far easier to fix than to put the addressing in  
> from scratch. I've done a lot of mapping in my area, but haven't  
> been willing to start doing addresses, even before I knew that the  
> TIGER import was coming down the line. I would be willing to search  
> out and fix errors though, since all it will take is changing a few  
> nodes.
> That's just not happening. If bad data is in it's hard to verify  
> it's wrong. If in doubt don't import. Empty map will tell everyone  
> immediately there is work to do. Wrong data is hard to even figure  
> out there is a need to survey.
> I'm not sure what you mean by, "That's just not happening." Clarify?

forget the technical aspect for a minute and think about motivation,  
how a community works and all that. no one is interested to cleanup  
crap after a bad import. Most people want to work on something  
challenging interesting and new. tiger import was great from technical  
point of view but didn't allow to build a community from scratch. no  
one is motivated to fix this broken data. some cautious people are  
even afraid to touch tiger data because it has this "Tiger is a  
reference data I don't feel confident to change it" label attached.
most european countries had no imports and yet have better maps large  
community …

> I should add that my comment about being highly in favor of the  
> import is riding on the assumption that we'll have something like  
> 'tiger:reviewed = no' (with editor support) to mark unreviewed  
> areas. Ideally, an indication that an address is unreviewed would be  
> passed along by any services that use them.

minute is over, now the technical aspect.
osm is open to everyone to add, change, delete everything. there is no  
technical solution to have a tag like  'tiger:reviewed = no' doing  
anything useful if mappers don't agree on the usage of it. removing it  
can mean
- I have seen it, it's approximately in place
- I have done a survey with GPS
- I have verified location on Yahoo is correct
- One of the above AND name or any other attribute is correct
- Everything is correct and it's as if I had entered the data myself

Everyone has different thresholds when to remove such a tag, some may  
just remove it because it clutters the default josm drawing and it is  
practically impossible to use josm in US without patching it.
And I have not yet started to think about vandalism.
OSM will never work like a DB with authoritative characteristics.  
follow the basic rules. map what's on the ground. as I mentioned  
earlier even some official county data is badly broken. If we start to  
accept broken imports as better than survey osm is just a me to thing  
and completely useless. If anyone is interested in a me to solution  
it's called Google maps and has much better infrastructure than osm  
will ever have. they have imported all county data, park data, tiger  
data and refined with sattelite image tracing and street view data  
analysis. We can't beat them. But we can make something different with  
different value.
the survey on ground is the strength of a community project.

> - Dan
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