On 11/15/09 11:24 PM, Dave Hansen wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 21:17 -0500, Richard Welty wrote:
>> On 11/15/09 6:45 PM, Dave Hansen wrote:
>>> and put in the /garmin/ directory on your device (if you have an SD card
>>> unit).  I'll be updating these periodically as I feel the need.  I think
>>> I also have my methods down to a point where I could just script it and
>>> make these weekly or something, if anyone is interested.
>> do you want reports on observed problems? i note that the way data seems
>> very incomplete
>> in the Albany, NY area. but then, i don't know what's really supposed to
>> be in these maps.
> Is there OSM data in the area to begin with?
yes, quite a lot. basically, the capital district of ny is missing.

i had earlier indicated i was wrong, but i was wrong about that, there 
really is a big hole in the
garmin rollup for the area.


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