On 11/16/09 7:08 AM, Richard Welty wrote:
> On 11/15/09 11:24 PM, Dave Hansen wrote:
>> Is there OSM data in the area to begin with?
> yes, quite a lot. basically, the capital district of ny is missing.
> i had earlier indicated i was wrong, but i was wrong about that, there
> really is a big hole in the
> garmin rollup for the area.
having now driven in the affected area with the osm garmin maps, i can 
report this:

only secondary roads seem to show up  at all (i've not yet driven 
anywhere there are
primary or motorway ways in the map.) they only show up for certain 
when looping through the parking lot to drop my daughter off at school, 
they winked in
and out on the GPS display.

the ways seem to be massively simplified, straight lines connecting 
junctions for the
most part, and some of the junctions misplaced. i know the stuff in OSM 
is much,
much better than that.

Burden Lake, which i added last summer (in the right place), is 
misplaced significantly
north and west of where it is in OSM (and real life), which i detected 
from the GPS
showing me that i was driving through the middle of it.

i will continue using these maps in the Garmin for the time being, and 
report on anything
else interesting or entertaining.


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