we have some very detailed data for vegetation in California and try to make a 
plan for an import.
Has anyone done something similar for US. Any locals interested to help? It's a 
huge dataset and needs some major work to be really useful. 
some challenges are
- simplification to reduce number of nodes. there are many redundant nodes and 
- smoothing edges, resolution is ~5m grid and rendering looks ugly this way, 
some spline interpolation could really make it similar to USGS maps style
- areas duplicate nodes/lines in shape files, this should be converted to line 
segments and relations to avoid duplicate lines in osm. Still no simple 
solution for that as far as I know
- filter out useless features, urban, residential, …  areas are already covered 
in better ways and should be skipped
- propose tagging scheme, current tags don't support all the details in this 
data but should be used as much as possible to get rendering for most features
- find local experts to verify fix and upload the data.
- documentation on the wiki

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