The land use in Georgia is nice in that it lends visual interest
to the map and gives a bit more information than a blank background.
I don't find the resolution a problem, much more detail would not
really be much more useful.

Most of my editing is in Georgia, so I see this land use coverage
a lot. The main problem I have with this coverage is that the
editors I have used do not let me "turn it off" while I am editing
other things. Often land use changes at a road, so often I have
trouble selecting a road and when drawing a road it keeps wanting
to make intersections with land use ways.

I am concerned that if addresses get imported as ways I will have
more of those kinds of problems (more things I am not trying to
select or intersect with getting in the way while editing.)

I don't see why it should be too difficult to remove the existing
import if a newer or different dataset comes along which we
prefer. I am not familiar with the details, but the existing
import is not the first attempt in Georgia. If memory serves,
there was a lower resolution import which was removed to add
the current one. I am sure a few people have moved land use
boundaries around since the import, but surely not to the extent
or level of importance as road editing. As one person who has
edited Georgia land use boundaries manually I would be fine with
replacing the whole import including my edits if a newer/better
dataset or import strategy wanted to replace the old one.

Mark Gray

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