I'm reposting this, as it was rather stupid to post it under a
San Fransico/Bay topic that was only remotely related (i.e. being regional).

Randy wrote:

>This may very well already be the defacto standard, but if not, might I
>suggest that we establish a best practice of prefixing subjects which are
>regionally directed with a 2-4 character region prefix followed by a colon?
>NY: has already been used.
>other states also would be by postal code abbreviation
>If you need a broader or narrower region, such as New England (NwEn?) or
>SF/Bay area (SFB?), etc. then as long as you don't step on a state, if you
>get there first, it's yours.
>This would allow those who are interested in a particular region to be
>"pricked" by the prefix, and would also make it easy to search the list
>for regionally specific entries.
>Anything without a prefix would be of general US interest.


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