On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 17:06 -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Jeff Barlow wrote:
> > Zeke Farwell <ezeki...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >
> >> There are many roads through the mountains in Vermont that are generally
> >>closed from Nov 1st through May 30th each year due to snow.  These could be
> >>tagged as:
> >>
> >>closed = Nov-May
> >>
> >>or
> >>
> >>closed = yearly
> >>closure_dates = Nov-May
> >>
> >>The hard part would be getting Mapnik to render this information.  It would
> >>either have to be smart enough to change to the closed rendering during the
> >>specified dates, or have a different rendering for roads that are closed
> >>seasonally with the dates indicated after the name.
> >
> > Out here in the west we have many highways over mountain passes
> > that are regularly closed during the winter. On typical paper
> > maps there is text along them that says "closed in winter". Seems
> > to me we need something similar. 
> access=no
> date_on=mm-dd-yyyy
> date_off=mm-dd-yyyy

I really think we should expand the meaning of the existing restriction
tag. It was originally made for turn restrictions, and currently
supports hours and days of the week, but there's no reason why it
couldn't also have days of the year. I'd much rather extend the meaning
of an existing tag than have two tags that mean essentially the same

Chris C.

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