On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Jeff Barlow <j...@wb6csv.net> wrote:
> Anthony <o...@inbox.org>  wrote:
>>No.  Zip codes do not represent geographic regions.  They should not be in a
>>the map data, but in a separate database.
> Please explain your reasoning. This claim seems quite
> counterintuitive to me.

A Zip Code is a routing code. It doesn't represent geography any more
than you can do a 1:1 mapping of iP address to physical location.

You can do a "Pretty good" job by simplifying the data, but zip codes
are attributes of addresses, not regions.

If you want to add these zip codes to objects with addr fields, that
would be accurate, but you can't accurately represent a zip code as a

- Serge

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