At 2010-01-28 19:13, Alan Mintz wrote:
>It appears to me that I-95 is below the level of the surrounding surface 
>streets from about Market St down to Catharine St, and should be layer=-1. 
>I suggest:
>- Market Street overpass: bridge=yes, layer=1
>- I-95 segment from Market St. overpass, south to ~ Catharine St : layer=-1
>- Chestnut St, Walnut St, Dock St, Spruce St, South St overpasses: 
>bridge=yes (no layer tag)
>- Park(s): No layer tag

I forgot:
- 2 segments of I-95 below the parks south of Chestnut and south of Dock: 
Maybe tunnel=yes

since they are longer than they are wide. May not be 

Alan Mintz <>

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