Hey All,

I'm usually pretty up front about the fact that I work for FortiusOne.
 It was an oversight with announcing my acceptance that I didn't
mention it.

FortiusOne uses OSM tiles on our public site http://www.geocommons.com
as well as the appliances.  I personally maintain an open source
geocoder as part of my job which I would love to be able to put OSM
address data in at some point (when there is better US coverage).  The
local DC OSM group meets occasionally in the FortiusOne office, since
the space is free and available.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 11:29 AM, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
> Hi
> One of the things we found at the OSMF is that you really need to be open 
> about any potential conflicts of interest, like where you work or if you hold 
> shares in TeleAtlas... that kind of thing. Anything a reasonable outsider 
> could conclude is a potential conflict.
> I think that for your own good so it's not a surprise to people, all those 
> running for the board of OSMF-US should be upfront about it. I don't think 
> there's any shame in it, but I can tell you from experience that people get 
> very upset if you're not clear about everything from day 1.
> Yours &c.
> Steve
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