On 4 Mar 2010, at 9:38 , McGuire, Matthew wrote:

> I see three dimensions of road classification at play here.
> 1) System
> 2) Function
> 3) Observed Character
> System is the easy one. That is the road system(s) that that the road belongs 
> to especially for signage, but also for road funding channels, and 
> maintenance responsibility.  And I agree that in practice, Census Feature 
> Class Codes have been used (incorrectly) to identify the system to which a 
> road belongs.

exactly, we should start tagging this with an operator tag or something 
similar. many  osm mappers don't care but road enthusiasts do.

> Function describes the role a road plays in a road system and the types of 
> trips (volume and length) it supports based on travel demand and trip 
> generation. This is what the Highway Functional Classification System is 
> designed for. It is used by Metropolitan Planning Organizations to distribute 
> transportation funding.
> A road's Observed Character is what kind of road it appears to be to a person 
> on the road. For general purpose maps, using observed character to classify 
> the roads intends to match a person expectations to what they see on the 
> ground. Character is highly correlated with function, but is not the same.
> I think Observed Character is what OSM is trying to achieve with the highway 
> tag. I think this because the OSM tag descriptions for highways have photos 
> and describe how the road looks, and you cannot determine system or function 
> from a photograph.  I also think it is what the Census Feature Class Code 
> definitions describe.

2,3 define what a navi or routing engine should use for best/fastest route and 
there is a wide agreement in many countries that this is how the highway tag 
should be used. no hard rule defined by either one. also local and relative 
importance of a road plays a role. In a city a 2-3 lane road might be tertiary 
but out in the country a primary road may have one lane in each direction. 

good old discussion on this topic

> I would like to see all three dimensions.
> Matt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David ``Smith'' [mailto:vidthe...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:33 AM
> To: McGuire, Matthew
> Cc: Nathan Edgars II; talk-us@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] proposed first principles for United States road 
> tagging
> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:45 AM, McGuire, Matthew
> <matt.mcgu...@metc.state.mn.us> wrote:
>> The US Census Feature Class Code has descriptions of most types types of 
>> roads.
>> This would at least tie it to an existing US standard.
>> http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/appendxe.asc
>> This designation exists in many OSM roads tagged with TIGER:CFCC. However 
>> most roads could definitely use some refinement. We could strip the TIGER 
>> from the tag to just cfcc then refine it from there.
> The original TIGER import did in fact use CFCCs to determine highway
> class.  It produced values of motorway, motorway_link, primary,
> secondary, and residential.  We've been refining that for 3 years now.
> The problem is, this comes from the Census Bureau.  They really don't
> care about a road's functional importance.  There are CFCCs for many
> other things besides roads.  And the few CFCCs assigned for road
> features are essentially based on whether the road is an Interstate, a
> US route, or a State Route, which doesn't correlate well with a road's
> functional classification.
> What's more useful is the Highway Functional Classification System.
> The name sounds like what we want to do.  And it's from the Federal
> Highway Administration, so they actually care about roads.  I've also
> put forward guidelines for translating HFCS to OSM.
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:United_States_roads_tagging#Discussion>
> (Sort of buried in a wall of text.  I should probably repost those
> guidelines in my userspace.)
> --
> David "Smith"
> a.k.a. Vid the Kid
> a.k.a. Bír'd'in
> Does this font make me look fat?
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