On 3/8/10 12:52 PM, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
> fully agree we should keep this target in mind.
> But first we have to resolve a long list of problems first.
> there shouldn't be any time when the renderer or other data consumers will be 
> left with completely broken data because step2 was done before step1
> osm doesn't have any way of enforcing anything we need to be careful to kill 
> the dinosaur too early
> 1) route relation tagging has to be defined, agreed and accepted widely. 
> currently it's a mess.
agree on straightening out tagging. the ref tag on a route relation is a 
free-for-all right now, and there
is not a clear concensus on the network tag either. on the other hand, 
if symbol is there and points at
an appropriate svg file for a shield (which it generally does) then 
rendering may be straightforward.
> 2) rendering, garmin maps, any other major data consumer must be updated to 
> use relations. currently none does to my knowledge. no wonder since 1) isn't 
> done
> 3) define a grace period after 1,2) is done and consider to delete them after 
> that. No need to do it because any consumer understanding relations the right 
> way will push down the relation ref and ignore the way ref.
we probably want a transitional algorithm stated for renderers.  many 
relations are built,
but many are still missing. a use the relation if it exists and meets a 
set of requirements,
else fall back on the ref tags on the ways sort of affair.


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