Val Kartchner <> writes:

> On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 12:23 -0400, Richard Welty wrote:
>> i don't think anyone would argue with this. it's why having a bot 
>> rampage through
>> "fixing" things is probably a Real Bad Idea unless it's extremely well 
>> thought out
>> and comprehensively tested beforehand.
> While I didn't like what the bot was doing (at the time),

What was the bot doing?

> I don't thing "rampage" is the correct word to use.  That implies
> malice, which wasn't what was attempted.  However, it did have a
> beneficial side effect: this topic.  ;-)

In the special case of TIGER data there is a tag

I would have thought it should be fairly save to reconstruct the name
from the tiger:name_* tags while expanding tiger:name_type - IF the
name is still the original one.


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