I know that the current preferred method for tagging trail routes is
with relationships.  However, I don't know whether or not to assign
names to the segments of the trails.  The wiki doesn't seem to specify,
at least not that I've found, so I'll ask here.

Around Ogden, several cities have their own trail systems.  The main
trail in the foothills is called the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, along
the Weber River is the Weber River Parkway, along the Ogden River is the
Ogden River Parkway.  Where these three trail systems make a loop around
Ogden, it is called the Centennial Trail.  Some parts of these trails
use streets as part of the "trail".

Which levels should be assigned as the "name" for each trail segment?
The rest will be used in the "name" for the route relationships?  Once I
get an answer, I'll change the trails for consistency.

- Val -

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