On May 12, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Anthony wrote:

> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> SteveC wrote:
> >> I am being careful to only delete objects that have not been
> >> touched since I created them - roads, portions of the TN River,
> >> etc... Please respect my wishes and do not undelete these objects.
> >
> > You've released that data CCBYSA, anyone can do what they want with
> > it, under that.
> Steve is right; deleting "your" data from OSM is not different from
> deleting anyone else's data. This is a community after all. So deleting
> "your" data is vandalism just as it would be if someone else deleted
> your data, and such vandalism will usually & rightfully lead to the
> community reverting it.
> What if a new contributor reverts it?  Would the revert then be considered 

No, it would be both CCBYSA and ODbL. But for all practical purposes, may as 
well just think of it as CCBYSA until the full changeover happens.

> Terribly thought out process.  Terrible idea in the first place.

Thanks for the insight.

Yours &c.


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