On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Anthony wrote:
>> What if a new contributor reverts it?  Would the revert then be considered
>> ODBL?
> A revert is an edit like any other.

What does that mean?

The contributor terms require contributors "to only add Contents for which
You are the copyright holder (to the extent the Contents include any
copyrightable elements)".  Furthermore, contributors "represent and warrant
that You are legally entitled to grant the license in Section 2 below" which
states "You hereby grant to OSMF a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
perpetual, irrevocable license to do any act that is restricted by copyright
over anything within the Contents, whether in the original medium or any

Reverting someone else's content breaks every single bit of that.

Yeah, yeah, who cares about following the contributor terms that you've
agreed to.

The whole thing is a big mess.

Maybe it was a bad idea to start out with CC-BY-SA, but ODBL is worse, and
the process of "switching" is worst of all.
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