Guess I should have looked at wikipedia *before* I sent the message.
Turns out the requests are in a format called (surprise!) ArcXML. Full
specs are here:

So I guess the main question is: Is anyone already familiar with this
format and/or would there be much demand in the OSM community for
something that uses it?


On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Toby Murray <> wrote:
> My county uses ArcIMS to serve up their GIS data. I have received
> permission to use their 6" resolution aerial photos for tracing things
> in OSM and when asked about accessing the data, I was pointed at the
> ArcExplorer software. Now I just need to figure out how to use it. It
> seems like ArcExplorer itself is a pretty dumb client that just
> displays images it gets from the server.
> I did a packet capture while loading some data into ArcExplorer and it
> looks like it is a pretty simple protocol. The client sends an XML
> document specifying an <ENVELOPE> element with a bounding box
> (although I'm not sure what the units are in... it doesn't look like
> lat/long) as well as tags indicating which layers it wants. The server
> renders the request and then sends back a response in XML with an
> output URL tag that specifies a .jpg that the client then downloads
> and displays. All layers do appear to be pre-rendered into a single
> flat image so getting shape files out of it doesn't seem possible.
> Now, my county DOES have an FTP server where I can probably get access
> to the raw data however getting access to it will require more begging
> on my part. Not that I have a huge problem with that... but talking
> with others on IRC, it sounds like ArcIMS is a fairly popular product
> for city/county GIS systems. So I was wondering if anyone already
> knows more about it and if there is a good way to get OSM-usable
> images and/or data out of it without FTP access. If not, would it be
> worth it for me to look at this in more detail? The most spectacular
> outcome I could see would be a JOSM plugin that lets you give it an
> ArcIMS server URL and then acts like the WMS plugin to download
> background images.
> Thoughts?
> Toby

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