On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Val Kartchner <val...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >From what I understand, next to each place where another street
> intersects this street I will have to create another node (on each side
> of the street) tagged with "addr:street" and "addr:housenumber".  I will
> need to connect the nodes on each side of the street with a relation.
> The relation I will need to tag with "addr:interpolation" and even/odd,
> as appropriate.

Whoa, that sounds like it might be an overstatement, or at least an
exaggeration.  You don't necessarily have to have an address node
*every* block, but every few blocks (even one per mile) is probably
going to be close enough for most uses.  (At least as precise as
Google's typical lookups, anyway...)  You can probably just do
addr:housenumber on each of those nodes.  Then you connect all those
nodes up with a way on each side of the street, which has the
"addr:interpolation" tagging.  (That way can have nodes along it that
don't have addr:housenumber if necessary to follow the bends of the
street or line of houses.)  Also, those ways will probably have
"addr:street" tags.  Optionally, but perhaps ideally, those ways will
be linked to the street itself using an associatedStreet relation.  If
the relation exists, then "addr:street" tags on the interpolation-ways
can probably be omitted, as they can be inferred from the
"addr:street" or "name" tag of the street itself.  Now that doesn't
sound like a terribly large amount of work to me.

Of course, this is style is best for rows of houses and other small
buildings that aren't already individually mapped.  Large, important
features should probably have their own, complete address information
tagged directly.

David "Smith"
a.k.a. Vid the Kid
a.k.a. Bír'd'in

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